Birthstone Jewelry

All About Birthstone Jewelry

You may have a piece of Birthstone Jewelry, or you probably know the answer to “What’s your birthstone?” Birthstones and Birthstone Jewelry are readily available today, and each particular stone has a special meaning dating back to ancient times.

Birthstone history dates back to Biblical times with the description of the Breastplate of Aaron on the Old Testament Book of Exodus. Aaron was a Hebrew high priest and the Breastplate featured twelve gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. The stones were set in four rows of three gemstones.

Fifth Century Christian scholars linked the twelve stones of Aaron with the twelve months of the year. Scholars in the 8th-9th centuries linked specific stones to each of the twelve apostles.

In the Bible’s New Testament Book of Revelations, twelve gemstones are listed as part of the foundation for the City of the New Jerusalem.

Interest in Birthstones and birthstone jewelry flourished over time, and in 1870 Tiffany & Company published a set of poems that list a birthstone for each month. The author is unknown, but the piece is part of the Gregorian calendar.

You’ll notice that several of the birthstones listed have been changed for today’s marketplace.

By her who in this month (January) was born 

No gem save Garnets should be worn;

They will ensure her constancy,

True friendship, and fidelity.


The February-born shall find

Sincerity and Peace of mind,

Freedom from passion and from care,

If they an Amethyst will wear.

Who in this world of ours their eyes


In March first open shall be wise,

In days of peril firm and brave,

And wear a bloodstone to their grave.


She who from April Dates her years,

Diamond shall wear, lest bitter tears

For vain repentance flow, this stone,

Emblem of innocence, is known.


Who first beholds the light of day

In Springs’s sweet flowery month of May

And wears an Emerald all her life

Shall be a loved and happy wife.


Who comes with Summer to this earth,

And owes to June her hour of birth,

With ring of Agate on her hand

Can health, wealth, and long life command.


The glowing Ruby shall adorn,

Those who in July are born;

Then they’ll be exempt and free

From love’s doubles and anxiety.


Wear a Sardonyx or for thee,

No conjugal felicity;

The August-born without this stone,

“Tis said, must live unloved and lone.


A maiden born when September leaves

Are rustling in September’s breeze,

A Sapphire on her brow should bind

“Twill cures diseases of the mind.


October’s child is born for woe,

And life’s vicissitudes must know,

But lay an Opal on her breast,

And hope will lull those woes to rest.


Who first comes to this world below

In dreary November’s fog and snow,

Should prize the Topaz’s amber hue,

Emblem of friends and lovers true.


If cold December gave you birth,

The month of snow and ice and mirth,

Place on your hand a Turquoise Blue;

Success will bless whate’er you do.


In 1912 the American Jewelers Association published a list of birthstones that remain in use today.

 January - garnet

 February - amethyst

 March - aquamarine

 April - diamond/crystal

 May - emerald

 June - pearl/alexandrite/lavender

 July - ruby

 August - peridot

 September - sapphire

 October - opal

 November - yellow topaz

 December - blue topaz/turquoise

Lee Buchanan Jewelry is expanding our Birthstone Jewelry Collection to include necklaces, bracelets, pendants and earrings. All of the pieces feature stunning Swarovski Crystals in the traditional birthstone colors. Some pieces also include beautiful Swarovski Pearls and all feature quality gold or silver findings.

The Collection page for each Birthstone month on the website includes information on the historic meaning of the stone and the month, as noted below:


    Gold January Birthstone Pendant        Shown: Gold January Birthstone Pendant

The Garnet is believed to keep the wearer safe during travel, improve one’s self image and provide faith, love, constancy, friendship and trust. Swarovski's Siam Crystal is featured in all of our January Birthstone jewelry. 



         Double Amethyst Silver February Birthstone Pendant

                     Shown: Double Amethyst Silver February Birthstone Pendant

The Amethyst is believed to strengthen relationships, give the wearer courage, and promote good health, youth, love and happiness.



      Gold March Birthstone Earrings

                  Shown: Gold March Birthstone Earrings

Aquamarine is believed to promote good health, youth, love and hope, courage and happiness. Sailors carried an Aquamarine talisman with the likeness of Neptune in ancient times to protect against dangers at sea. 



     Double Crystal Silver April Birthstone Earrings

Shown: Double Crystal Silver April Birthstone Earrings


A diamond is represented here with a Swarovski Clear Crystal and represents everlasting love, courage, and the ability to conquer hardships.


Gold May Emerald Birthstone Earrings

Shown: Gold May Emerald Birthstone Earrings

The Emerald was one of Cleopatra’s favorite gems. The ancient Romans dedicated the stone to Venus, goddess of love and beauty. The Emerald signifies wisdom, growth and patience.


Gold June Birthstone Pendant

Shown: Gold June Birthstone Pendant

The traditional June stone is Alexandrite, a very rare stone. Pearls are a contemporary favorite, and White Swarovski Pearls are used in all of our June Birthstone Jewelry.


Gold July Birthstone Pendant

Shown: Gold July Birthstone Pendant

The Ruby was regarded by the ancient Hindus as the “king of gems”. The Ruby is believed to protect the wearer from evil. The stone signifies love, passion, harmony, peace, strength of character and good fortune. A Swarovski Light Siam Crystal is used in all of our July Birthstone Jewelry. 


Shown: Silver August Peridot Birthstone Earrings

Peridot is sometimes called the evening emerald because of its light green color. The stone is said to ward off evil and depression, and instill strength, power and influence.


Gold September Birthstone Earrings

Shown: Gold September Birthstone Earrings

The Sapphire is said to guard against evil and poisoning. It promotes purity, wisdom, dignity, loyalty, serenity, faith and trust.



Double White Opal Silver October Birthstone PendantShown: Double White Opal Silver October Birthstone Pendant

October has two traditional stones—Pink Tourmaline and Opal. Swarovski White Opal is used here, and the stone repels evils and promotes hope, creativity and confidence.



Gold November Birthstone EarringsShown: Gold November Birthstone Earrings

November has two traditional birthstones—Citrine and Topaz. A Swarovski Jonquil Crystal has the stone’s warm color and is considered a gift from the sun, promoting love and affection, giving strength, intellect, and promotes healing for mind and body.


     Double Turquoise Silver December Birthstone PendantShown: Double Turquoise Silver December Birthstone Pendant

Turquoise is known as a love charm, promotes good fortune and success, relaxes the mind, protects the wearer from harm and gives a happy life.


Birthstone Jewelry makes a perfect gift and is suitable for any occasion! You can mix and match many of our Birthstone pieces to create your own Birthstone Jewelry Collection. The wide variety of Birthstone colors will complement many of your favorite outfits and may be worn for many occasions. A fashion-conscious bride at one of our shows selected pendants and earrings from our Birthstone collection to match the variety of lovely Spring Colors that her bridesmaids would be wearing.

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Lee and Barbara Buchanan

Lee Buchanan Jewelry

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