Holiday Sales are Coming!


    Christmas in the Country Show 2017

The Christmas in the Country Show was held on Saturday, November 11, 2017. This show is held in a local church and our spot was in a room used by a weekday pre-school class. Although the child-sized furniture is removed, the classroom decorations remain, which explains the Birthday chart with photos and the orange leaves on the wall! 

With the show behind us, and our work areas back to normal, it's time to get ready for the busy holiday season and the coming weekend's popular sale days: Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.

We will be having special sales on each of these three days. You'll find a trio of graphics on our home page and clicking on each of the images will take you to a page with information on the sale and the code to use at checkout. Our new website makes it really easy for me to promote special sales and events to provide our valued customers with all the details.

Visit the Home Page, check out the sale notices and tell me what you think in the comment area below! Your feedback is welcome and helps us serve you better.

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I invite you to visit and "like" us on Facebook.

As always, we welcome your comments. Thanks for visiting with us!


Barbara Buchanan blogs on Life and Adventures as Entrepreneurs

