I mentioned our feline family members in an earlier blog post. We have four. Our first cat, Slick, joined the family as a kitten nine years ago. He was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer in July, and was with us until the end of September.

Slick 2004-2013

Slick’s playtime buddy was Spike, an adopted and lively “senior” fellow who is Mr. Curiosity. A few weeks ago as I finished the dinner dishes, I heard a strange sound coming from under the sink. When I opened the cabinet door, there was Spike looking at me. As a temporary measure, we used rubber bands around the door handles to prevent future access. One of Lee’s recent chores was attaching magnetic catches to fourteen cabinet doors in the kitchen, dining room and bathroom. Spike is always ready to help, and we sometimes say he needs a hard hat and a tool belt!

Amy is our all-black cat, with one white whisker. She likes to dominate the others, although her favorite spot at night is on top of the bed covers, on my feet. Amy likes to watch Lee shave—see below!


Amy likes to join Lee in his jewelry workroom, and she’s a good candidate for a stunning Red Necklace—perhaps the one shown in the set below.

 Siam Heart, Crystals & Red Silver Jewelry Set

Maggie is a Maine Coon, and she really needs a set of White Pearls as she swishes her very full and bushy tail when she parades down the hall. Maggie is a real lady who just loves to be petted. She will sit, stand or lie down and enjoy all the petting she can get. 


 White Pearls Silver Jewelry Set

Ginger is a big girl who likes to meow a lot and often has an “oh, dear, this is not good” look on her face. She is the Mother Hen in the group and tries to make the others obey the “rules” of no running in the house.


Our pets are part of the family, and they know our routines. When Lee is working in his jewelry studio-workroom, he may have one or more cats keeping him company. Amy, Maggie, Ginger and Spike will occasionally have a Family Value Deal for you. Check in with us frequently to see the specials they suggest!

We welcome your comments! Thanks for joining us.
