#March Meet The MakerWe're participating in the   #MarchMeetTheMaker Challenge on Instagram! Stop by and visit us, like us and follow us! 

Setting up an Instagram Feed has been on my "to-do" list for awhile, and when I read about this Challenge, it seemed like a good time to jump in and get going. 

The Challenge was first set up a couple years ago, and has grown in numbers of "makers" participating and numbers of viewers visiting. I know I have a lot more to learn, but in the meantime, Instagram provides another avenue to reach both present and future customers. 

Each day has a different theme, and while I know the text in the image here is small, each image I post on Instagram states the Challenge Day # and the theme, followed by a description of the posted image as well as the #hashtags that I hope will attract viewers to our feed. 

Lee and I sometimes chuckle when we see a TV commercial saying how easy it is to have a web site--just point and click. I thought of that tonight as I added our Instagram Feed to our web's Home Page.

Followed the instructions, and I had 12 blocks with a tiny blue square in each one, where the image from the Instagram Feed should have been. Checked the support page for our web template theme, and found Instagram had made changes that caused the problem, but--there were instructions (9 pages) on how to  "fix" it.

Followed those instructions, and although it did not appear to work at first, after a bit of time, the feed appeared, much to my relief. Oh the joys of technology in the 21st century!

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I invite you to visit and "like" us on Facebook and Instagram.

As always, we welcome your comments. Thanks for visiting with us!

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Barbara Buchanan blogs on Life and Adventures as Entrepreneurs


